SHAREit, excellent sharing app with fast cross-platform transfer speed & free online feeds including movies, videos, music, wallpapers, GIFs. SHAREit also added powerful media player, which helps you manage & enjoy your own videos and music.
► Fastest in the World
200 times faster than Bluetooth, the highest speed goes up to 20M/s.
Transfer files without losing quality.
► Transfer All Types of Files
Photos, videos, music, installed apps and any other files.
► Infinite Online Videos
HD & Selective, Offline watching, Continuously updated
► Excellent Video Player
Support almost all formats, give you Smooth playing experience
► Discover Trending Music
Tens of millions of high quality songs, and thousands of curated playlists. Online & Offline
► Elegant Music Player
Powerful equalizer provides immersive experiences for you
►GIFs, Wallpapers & Stickers
Personalized, Funny, Download & Share
► Fastest in the World
200 times faster than Bluetooth, the highest speed goes up to 20M/s.
Transfer files without losing quality.
► Transfer All Types of Files
Photos, videos, music, installed apps and any other files.
► Infinite Online Videos
HD & Selective, Offline watching, Continuously updated
► Excellent Video Player
Support almost all formats, give you Smooth playing experience
► Discover Trending Music
Tens of millions of high quality songs, and thousands of curated playlists. Online & Offline
► Elegant Music Player
Powerful equalizer provides immersive experiences for you
►GIFs, Wallpapers & Stickers
Personalized, Funny, Download & Share
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